Le Somnambuliste
/ The Sleepwalker
« À Westheim, au cœur de l'Alsace viticole, Simon est dans une crise existentielle. Travaillant d'un petit boulot dans l'hôtellerie, forcé de retourner vivre chez sa mère, il semble être en proie à des crises de somnambulisme lors desquelles à son réveil, il se retrouve dans des situations aussi intenables et qu'inexpliquées. Des crimes sont commis dans le village, et la police locale enquête.»
“In Westheim, in the heart of the wine-growing region of Alsace, Simon is in an existential crisis. With a small job in the hotel industry, forced to return to live with his mother, he begins to notice several sleepwalking attacks during which, when he wakes up, he finds himself in completely unexplainable situations. Crimes are being committed in the village, and the local police starts investigating. ”
Le Somnambuliste is a French web-series of 6 episodes, directed by Jérémy Strohm, available from May 25, 2021 on the Arte.tv platform of the Franco-German channel Arte.
Produced by Cedric Fenech/Centurions Films/Arte.tv
Director : Jeremy Strohm
Costume Designer: Aliénor Figueiredo
Costume Interns : Anne-Gaëlle Quechon, Léa Penarrubia
Photos : Jeremy Strohm